Statistically, 3 out of 5 homes in Australia will experience minimal or major white ant problems every year. Maybe 1 in 2000 homes will catch fire. Ask yourself, which is more at risk – fire or white ants. Termites also cause more damage than tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones and wind-storms combined. You can’t buy termite insurance. The insurance risk is too high.
It is estimated that termites cause more than $900 million in damage in Australia every year. The colony has a strict caste system and every member has a clearly defined role to play.
The Queen Ant is the longest living insect known to man with an average life span between ten and forty years of age. Her reproduction rate is very high, so is their mortality rate.
The King Ant’s prime duty is to mate with the Queen and generally help in the royal chamber.
The Soldier Ants are the protectors of the nest. They fight any enemies that may attack the nest and move to any emergency that the workers may encounter, such as a tin capping on a stump of a house. The Soldier will attack the capping by injecting acid onto it. Eventually the capping becomes paper thin, so that they are then able to penetrate it with their mandibles. They also guard the nest against any of its bearers who may bring poison back to the nest. They do this by killing the bearer or bearers.
The Worker is the backbone of the society. These ants actually attack the timber. The termite prefers Karri and other soft wood over Jarrah. They will also attack books and cardboard boxes because paper is made of wood pulp. The worker will attack jarrah flooring to reach karri in the ceiling. They will also penetrate six inches of concrete flooring.
These are the water carriers of the nest. White ants must have moisture to survive. The nymph carries the moisture to the workers in its body. On reaching the workers the nymph rubs its body against the workers, thus supplying it with the necessary moisture.